Affected versions:
All the FoxBox MINI delivered before the 2nd December 2016.
A failure can occour while trying to save the machine configuration.
1) Connect via SSH.
2) Edit the file:
3) On line 30 remove the // comment symbols from the code:
$ret[$key] = dba_update($db_table, $values, $conditions);
3) Save the file.
As a result, the function's code should appear as:
function registry_update($uid, $registry_group, $registry_family, $items) { $ret = false; $db_table = _DB_PREF_.'_tblRegistry'; if (is_array($items)) { foreach ($items as $key => $val) { $conditions = array('uid' => $uid, 'registry_group' => $registry_group, 'registry_family' => $registry_family, 'registry_key' => $key); $values = array('c_timestamp' => strtotime(core_get_datetime()), 'registry_value' => $val); if (dba_count($db_table, $conditions)) { $ret[$key] = dba_update($db_table, $values, $conditions); //non fare uniente continua a scrivere } else { $ret[$key] = dba_add($db_table, array_merge($conditions, $values)); } unset($conditions); unset($values); } } }