Bugfix: Failure Using the MAIL to SMS Function

Affected versions:
All the FoxBox MINI delivered before the 20 of February 2017.

A failure can occour while trying to use the “MAIL to SMS” function.

1) Download, on your desktop machine, this patch:

2) Unzip the downloaded file in order to obtain these files: fn.php and playsmsd.

3) Connect via SSH to your FoxBox MINI.

4) Once connected, launch this command:

cp /etc/php5/disabled/imap.ini /etc/php5/conf.d/

5) Then using WINSCP or filezilla connect to port 22 SSH (username: root - password: foxbox) and copy the attached files in this two positions:

6) Restart playsmsd using these commands:

/etc/init.d/playsms stop
/etc/init.d/playsms start

7) Congratulations, your FoxBox MINI is now patched !