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FoxBox desktop utilities

This article presents the desktop utilities, a set of features enclosed in a desktop application that allows you to:

  • Retrieve all the incoming messages, and export them to a tab-separated text file for your other applications;
  • Write new SMS messages, also with multiple recipients;
  • Manage the address book, exporting it to a tab-separated text file or importing it from an existing address book using the same file format;
  • Access directly the SQL Admin tools, for a complete management of all SQL Databases.

To download the software, please choose your operating system:

You can try this tool even if you are not yet a FoxBox owner, in fact this is tuned by default on the online demo, so that you can export and modify the demo contents and try how it is simple to manage your SMS application with FoxBox!

The user manual is included in the download, but if you want to take a look just click here.

desktop_utilities.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/14 16:35 (external edit)